Tips on Setting Annual Goals and Objectives

Happy New Year. Yes this is probably that time of the year when we set our annual goals and objectives. That is, if the calendar year is aligned with your fiscal calendar. For those who are getting ready to set their annual goals with their teams, here are some guidelines in a presentation uploaded on slideshare.

Refer to the presentation at:

Reference Reading: The Balanced Scorecard : Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton

How to Build a High Performing Team

This past week, we just completed my first Leadership Team offsite. We have an awesome Leadership Team and I am excited to work with them. We had good sessions on our Mission, Guiding Principles ….

Besides these topics, I really wanted to have a frank and open dialog on how we work together to build a High Performing Team. The presentation on slideshare (link below) was provided in advance of the discussion and the team was asked to come prepared with their thoughts. Each member contributed to each one of the tenets, why they felt it was important and how they could foster the same on their teams.

Next step, each member of the Leadership Team holds a similar exercise with their respective teams.
I am optimistic that we can together build a High Performing Team.

Link to the presentation:

Reading Reference : The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni